August Coffee with the Chamber

August Coffee with the Chamber
Thursday, August 24, 2023 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) (EDT)
We are honored to host Brian Peters as the August coffee speaker on Thursday, August 24 from 8:00 - 9:00 am.
Brian Peters and David Rash will be providing multiple technology and training tips for keeping your organization safe from Cyber Criminals. Come hear how Brian and David help their customers and their own organization stay safer and how you can utilize these same software packages and training to help your organization as well.
Brian Peters and David Rash have been in the IT Cyber Security and IT Operational space for over 30 years combined. Brian has been a CIO within the healthcare space for 10 years and now is using his knowledge to help organizations throughout Central Indiana. David has been assisting organizations for over 10 years.
The event begins at 8:00 am. From 8:00 am - 8:20 am those in attendance network with one another. At 8:20 am the Chamber introduces the Coffee Speaker, who speaks for 25-30 minutes. There is usually time for questions at the end. Before we adjourn at 9:00 am, there is an opportunity to share a brief update or upcoming event with those in attendance.
The event is free, but we do ask that you RSVP so that we can be prepared.
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1100 Chatham Hills Blvd
Westfield, IN 46074 United States